Thursday, June 15, 2017

Preparation for FET

Next week we official start the preparation for the Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET). We’ve made it past all of the Egg Retrieval steps, now it’s time to prepare my body so our little embryo will want to stick and make me its home! We picked up all of the medicine from the pharmacy ($106) and luckily insurance covered some of the medications since they are all hormone based medicines. Since they can be used for things outside of IVF they covered a portion. Normally they would have been around $300-$500. The medications will start next week after my first ultrasound and blood work appointment.

This past week we received the results for the last test that they run on the embryos. Genesis Genetics the company that does the PGS (pre-implantation genetic screening) also runs a mitochondrial DNA report on the embryos. The purpose of performing mitochondrial quantification using MitoGrade is to evaluate the chances of an embryo implanting depending on the amount of mitochondria in the embryo. Mitochondria are small organelles inside cells that provide energy to the cells. A sign that the embryo is stressed is when it produces too many mitochondria to compensate for a deficit of energy. Embryos with too many mitochondria have a lower implantation rate or do not implant.

Our results showed that all of our genetically normal embryos also have a normal about of mitochondrial DNA!

We also received our videos back from Embryoscope this week. When we paid for Embryoscope ($650), we paid to reserve a space. Each space on contains so many spots. Since I had so many eggs retrieved, not all of my embryos were able to be monitored using Embryoscope. I believe 12 were monitored in the Embryoscope while the rest were monitored daily by the embryologists in the lab. Sadly, this means I only have videos for 3 of my embryos, but I was still excited to watch them grow! The other 3 are perfectly fine still, I just don’t have a video of them growing to Day 5.

 Out of the 3 in the Embryoscope, 2 were my boys and 1 girl. Here are them growing from fertilization to Day 5. Baby’s first video…lol

 Video #1 is Boy #1

 Video #2 is Boy #2:

Video #3 is Girl #1

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